Honeybee on yellow flower

September Advice

Help for September from my fifty two years with the bees.

This is an important time of the year to insure you have bees for next spring.

First thing finish getting the honey crop off the bees and make sure you leave a full super of 50 lbs. for the bees winter feed. If you don’t have enough honey be sure to feed enough sugar syrup to make the difference.

Second thing to do is put a checkmite strip in the center of the center of the lower hive body.

Third thing is make sure you have a queen you don’t need to look for but, be sure see sealed brood and if you see the brood you have a queen. Now if you see high capped brood than you have a drone layer and will need a new queen as soon as possible.

Forth take out the frame with sealed brood and check for disease and if you find a bad cell treat for AFB.

Fifth look between the bottom hive body and the bottom board for SHB. If you find some small black bugs running out the front of the bottom board you need to treat with a checkmite strip on the bottom board. Call your State bee inspector for hands on help. You will also need to treat the soil in front and under the hive your inspector will give you advice.

Sixth thing for this month is reduce the hive entrance to prevent robbing and mouse damage and next month I will have advice on mouse control and more on hive entrance.